// $VER: NFK.AMIRX 4.4 (24.08.96) (MCF Extra command)
\\ Written by Donald T. Becker (dtbecker@prolog.net) IRC: StarDustr
\\ ** What to do with this file? Put this script in REXX:
// then type /rx NFK #
\\ where # is the number of nick flooders you want kicked.
// This script is also used by MKB.AMIRX
;arg kcnt junk;if kcnt=""| datatype(kcnt) ~='NUM' then kcnt=1;cntk=0;options results;getchannel;CurCh=result;do cnt=1 by 1 until cntk=kcnt|j3=":MKB_Done";getline;parse value line with j1 j2 z j3 j4;if line.command='NICK' then;do;cntk=cntk+1;y=substr(z,2);"say /kick "CurCh y "Kicked because of NICK Flooding!";end;end cnt;exit